Monday, January 3, 2011

Started Work on a Short Story

Can't post it yet, but I can at least guarantee I have the 300 words down.

Also: I've been fibbing a little with posting time, and anybody who watches this blog will know it sooner or later. I do post before daybreak of the next day, but not before the clock strikes midnight. To me, that still falls within the boundaries of my resolution... but it's going to come back and bite me on the ass if I don't rectify it soon. Starting..maybe...tomorrow...?


duncess. said...

tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk

Defendership said...

hah, man, don't I know it. I still haven't turned on the "notify me about comments" thing...

Planning on getting back on it asap :( starting..tonight?! Let's go with that. Lots of lost time to make up for -_-